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Panda Meaning and Messages

In this case, Panda symbolism is reminding you that gratitude fills your heart with good feelings and is healthy for the mind and spirit. Focus on giving thanks to all the awesome things and people in your life.  It is an ideal way for you to shift the balance towards more positive things in your life. Moreover, like Turkey, by giving thanks, you will attract more of the things for which you are thankful. In other words, the Panda meaning tells you to love your life by focusing on the positive.

Anything can be accomplished if the desire is strong enough!

Alternatively, the Panda symbolism is letting you know that it is time to get to the bottom of things. Somehow you have been allowing things to slide a bit without digging to find the root of the problem. Panda meaning is reminding you that if these things are left to simmer, they will grow beyond your control. Be sure to focus on the real issues before you.

Conversely, Panda symbolism can also be a bit of a warning. In this case, the message is to make an internal audit of your contributions. Are you allowing others to carry all of the load?

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Panda Totem, Spirit Animal

People that have the Panda totem are gentle souls yet wield considerable power over their environments. Also, like the Platypus, they actively seek out solitude and enjoy their own company. Panda totem people are often content to watch the drama unfold around them without actively participating. Moreover, it is usually the people with this spirit animal totem that puts an end to the show by using a few simple words of wisdom. Or by calling those around them “on their stuff.” Folks with this totem know how to balance all of the positive and negative forces in their life. They also have a great deal of spiritual wisdom to share. These people are passive by nature and will rarely pick a fight. They go with the flow.

Folks with this totem also love to take on large assignments and creative endeavors. They do have to be careful that they do not take on more than one task at a time. Juggling too many projects at once usually ends up with them dropping the ball. Folks with this totem are also warmly accepting, somewhat reclusive, a bit shy, and desire to be loved.

Panda Dream Interpretation

If the animal is eating in your Panda dream, it suggests that you should be more aware of the nourishment that you are feeding your body. Moreover, like the Groundhog, you should analyze your diet and adjust it to keep yourself in a healthy balance. This animal could also indicate digestive problems and that you are having difficulty assimilating an issue in your waking life. Therefore, some sort of compromise is necessary to regain balance.

Alternatively, a Panda dream can be symbolic of your childlike qualities. It may also symbolize something cuddly. To dream of this animal moving forward is indicative of spiritual knowledge and growth in your present life situation.
