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Great Dane Meaning and Messages

Are you feeling a little out of sync and not quite fitting in with the world at the moment? Relax! Great Dane symbolism is letting you know that you’ve moved forward into new territory for yourself – so take it easy. Get a feel for where you are at – sure things will feel awkward at first, but know that you are certainly on the right track. You need to learn how to live in your new skin. Alternatively, the Great Dane meaning symbolizes that you have the power to accomplish anything you have in your sights! With this spirit animal totem, you can achieve everything you focus on and set your mind to right now. Moreover, Great Dane symbolism reminds you that you have all of the tools, knowledge, and guidance you need.

Go ahead! Think for yourself! You will find much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.
-Great Dane

Also, see other dogs from the working group; Rottweiler, Berner, Husky, Boxer, and Doberman

Great Dane Totem, Spirit Animal

If you have a Great Dane totem as your power animal, you have power and clout in the world. You also have a gift for diplomacy and politicking. To others, you seem larger than life, albeit a bit of a klutz. Most will underestimate your intelligence and power until they get to know you better. People with this spirit animal are devoted to their friends and family, love to debate social issues, especially if they can take the side of the underdog. Your compassion is fully developed, and you have a powerful sense of unconditional acceptance for those who are less fortunate than you are.

Folks with this totem can also see and communicate with ghosts and are often a practicing medium.

Great Dane Dream Interpretation

To see this large dog in your dream is a symbol of your self-assured, good nature, and easy-going attitude. Alternatively, if this dog is trailing behind others, it symbolizes the need to learn to be an independent thinker and not let others influence you too much.

A sleeping Great Dane dream signifies your need to get focused on the project at hand. A multicolored dog of this breed is a symbol of the changes you are currently experiencing in your life. It is also a message that this change is for the best. The dream is letting you know that things will soon settle for you.
