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Cougar Meaning and Messages

In general, if Cougar symbolism has entered into your life, then take it as a sign that you have come into your power. Thus, this spirit animal says that it’s time for you to take charge of the situation and show your strength. Moreover, Cougar’s meaning is letting you know that you should leap into all of the opportunities that are now available. Therefore, use the power of your intentions and know precisely where you are going. Cougar symbolism also asks us to balance our power. You can do this by learning to understand when gentleness is needed and when asserting your energy will bring you your goal.

Use Cougars’ cunning powers in your life right now. What you see as impossible has a very simple solution.

Alternatively, the Cougar symbolism is letting you know that you must use your leadership skills without the ego. In other words, Cougar’s meaning reminds you that you must lead by example rather than forcing others to follow.

Cougar Totem, Spirit Animal

People with the Cougar totem are most likely a natural leader. They walk their talk and lead by example. Folks with this spirit animal also know how to set their boundaries. They are also very clear with people if they have crossed them. Everyone can hear them purr when they are happy and satisfied. People with this power animal are a master at camouflage. Cougar totem people are also decisive, impactful, and always capable of taking charge. These people can attack without hesitation, as well as defend themselves when need be.

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Folks with this power animal are usually in positions of trust. They are also flexible in achieving the results that they desire. These people are good at balancing power, intention,  and strength, and are often keeping peace in sticky situations.

The Mountain Lion is also closely related to the LynxCheetah, and Jaguar. The favourite prey of the Catamount is the Deer, and the Porcupine, these animals should also be studied if this is your spirit animal.

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Cougar Dream Interpretation

When you have a Cougar dream, it can mean several things depending on the context of your vision. If the mountain lion is asleep or resting, it could be drawing your attention to the fact that you have strength and elegance. In other words, you are well-respected by your peers. It can also mean that you have reached your goals and that it is time to relax a bit before taking on something new.

One of these big cats on the prowl could be speaking to you of passion and sexuality, or of successfully hunting down your goals to completion. A travelling mountain lion could mean that it is checking it’s perimeter boundaries of its territory. In this case, the message is that you need to make sure that your boundaries are respected. Occasionally, this cat in your dreams can represent female hostility and intensity. Therefore, a Cougar dream may imply danger or a life-threatening situation. Conversely, it can also mean a risk to your social position and well-being. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to your emotions during these dreams because it will give you valuable clues as to the message this cat is trying to bring you.
