Home » Reptiles, Amphibians and Mollusks » Komodo Dragon Symbolism

Meaning and Messages

In this case, Komodo Dragon symbolism is heralding in a time of new adventures and journeys that are physical and spiritual. These new experiences will help you direct your creative forces for the future. Therefore, like the Painted Turtle spirit animal, Komodo Dragon’s meaning is letting you know that any seed you sow now will reap great rewards in the future. Komodo Dragon’s meaning also insists that you must take the time to go inward and be clear with your intentions and goals. Thus Komodo Dragon’s symbolism also reminds you that these changes will be long-lasting.  In other words, decide on which direction you wish to go and then take action.

Leave the unhealthy situation and walk away. There will be new doors opening as a result.
-Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon Totem, Spirit Animal

People with the Komodo Dragon Totem have solid survival instincts and can function on very little. Like the Tick, they know how to make quick decisions for quick action. Folks with this spirit animal totem will rarely miss an opportunity of any kind. Thus they always keep their focus and finish their projects and goals. These people also have a great deal of self-confidence in almost everything they do. Furthermore, they are fiercely passionate about life and are not afraid to go it alone if they have to.

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Dream Interpretation

When you have a Komodo Dragon dream, like the Cheetah, it means that you need to be more flexible in your thinking and decision-making. You may also need to take advantage of the opportunities currently presented to you. Your agility and stealth will help you get what you want. In other words, go for it!

Alternatively, a Komodo Dragon dream could symbolize genuine fear. Moreover, this fear is manifesting negative results in your attempts to reach your goals. You will need to dig into rooting out the source and deal with it.

Occasionally this large reptile will appear in your vision to point out that you are overlooking an opportunity that is now before you. In other words, you are dismissing something as irrelevant when it can be everything you have been seeking.

Komodo Dragon – One of the Ten Animals Promoting Change in Your Life

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