Home » Birds » Crow Symbolism

Meaning and Messages

In this case, Crow symbolism is a sign of change. Like the Tarantula, everything that you have been working toward is now coming to fruition. Alternatively, your Crow meaning is a clear message as to what your next steps are. Furthermore, you must pay attention to your thoughts, as well as the omens around you. With this spirit animals’ appearance, the signs are more precise now than they have ever been.

Know that there is divine balance in everything. Without darkness there can be no light and without spirituality there can be no physicality. You are being guided through this.

Conversely, similar to the Cheetah, the Crow symbolism could also be letting you know that you are spreading yourself a little bit too thin. Thus, the Crow meaning insists it’s time to step back and reassess where you. You can do this by taking stock of your dreams and aspirations. Moreover, being clear about your desires is the key to manifesting your intentions.

Totem, Spirit Animal

Like the Scarab Beetle, people with Crow totem have a great deal of personal integrity. They work hard at being mindful of their opinions and actions. As a result, they are willing to walk their talk, speak their truth, and embrace their life’s mission. Folks with this spirit animal shift through changes and phases of their lives with effortless ease. Crow totem people are also willing to swoop in on opportunities at a moment’s notice. Similar to the Raven, these people have no concept of time as a linear entity. They are aware that time is the existence of the past, present, and future all in a single moment. They live for now.

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Crow Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of this bird is usually a message from your sub-conscience. If the Crow is flying, it means that you need to bring the hidden issues in your sub-conscience mind to the surface. Only then can you move forward in your life. Moreover, if the bird is feasting, your sub-conscience is telling you that your current course of action will bring forth affluence.  However, make sure that what you are manifesting is what you want in your life. As the Polar Bear, one of these corvids watching you or following you in your dream is a good omen of positive changes coming up in your life.

Similar to the Owl, a Crow dream could also be warning you that if you continue on your present course of action, you may be in for a great deal of disappointment.
